Greetings from New Jersey!
(Counter-Clockwise) My friend Mishka (far right) serves bratwurst and corn for the Somerset Volunteer Fire Department, at a New Jersey 4H fair. ::: A lonely sheep entrant in the farm animal competition. ::: I spent a week on Maggie's farm, here is Bob next to Margaret Hajdu Nemeth's Christmas trees. ::: Maggie's prize peppers.
July 28 - August 15, 1998
I had a great time in New Jersey, visiting friends and staying on a friend's Hungarian mother's farm near Rutgers University.
Eight Men Out, One Awesome Ride
Sunday, August 9, 1998, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey
It has been called the ultimate team sport. It has been called the fastest human-powered race on the water. It will move you.
Star Seamstress
Monday, August 10, 1998, Verona, New Jersey
Ahillia Harnandan shows her colors at the oldest flag company in the United States.